Most Architecture

Garden Pavilion

A celebration of the joys and natural charm of British gardens, featuring mazes, arcades, loveseats, reading nooks.

  • Type Leisure
  • Location London
  • Status Competition
  • Size 100sqm
  • Year 2021
Garden Pavilion

Pockets of Quiet

A proposal which celebrates the joys and natural charm of British gardens, featuring mazes, arcades, loveseats, reading nooks. The requirement to shelter the site from noise, whilst inviting and integrating passers-by and the wider public realm is solved by a planted, meandering garden site wall, which naturally changes with the seasons. Expanded clay is commonly used for roadside sound barriers, and can be planted. The walls create pockets of quiet to sit, relax, and wonder; and spaces for community gardening and education. The arcade-like passages and openings reflect the neighbouring historic features, and create framed views of Lambeth Palace, the church gates and windows, and Lambeth Bridge’s obelisk. The pavilion integrates subtly, providing a secure and productive working space within a semi-outdoor gathering and resting space for the public. All materials are recycled or recyclable.

Garden Pavilion
Close-up photographs of scale model at 11:225 made of wire mesh, LECA, wild grasses, and plywood
Garden Pavilion
Garden Pavilion
Garden Pavilion

A place to shelter from the city and see the seasons' change

Garden Pavilion
